Website Guide
This website explores the subject of Geometric Voting (GV) and in particular its special case of Consecutively Halved Positional Voting (CHPV). There are two versions of CHPV. The Ranked Ballot (RB) one is employed for an election with a Single Winner (SW). In contrast, the Party-List (PL) one is used where Multiple Winners (MW) are required from an election employing a closed party-list. In this latter type, the Ranked Ballot version may additionally be adopted when party supporters are permitted to rank candidate preferences on their own open party-list.
As shown in the diagram below, the coverage of GV/CHPV is partitioned into six chapters that are largely self-contained. They are conventionally read sequentially from left (Description) to right (Conclusions). However, two chapters may be skipped (as indicated by the key in the diagram) where only one of the two versions of CHPV is of interest. There are also two appendices; one explaining map constructions and the other providing mathematical proofs. Each appendix page is directly linked to and from the relevant text within a chapter. Any chapter or appendix may be accessed directly using the navigation panel at the top or bottom of a page and any section within them from the navigation panel on the left-hand side. An overview of each chapter is provided on the next page.

This two-page section and all the other miscellaneous pages (as listed in the diagram above) are grouped together in the General section of the website. It is also accessed via any of the three page navigation panels.
All the pages within a chapter or appendix are consistently colour coded as shown on the above diagram and the home page. For ease of reading, a lighter pastel shade of the colour is used for the main textual content of each page than for the two header bars above it.
This website is managed and maintained by the author Peter Mendenhall. General enquiries, specific comments and feedback on any technical or presentational aspect of this website are warmly welcomed. Including your name and a relevant heading in the subject box, just send an email to: Peter Mendenhall at
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To begin coverage of the GV and CHPV chapters > Description
To access a general page > General: Table of Contents
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