Free MS Excel Spreadsheet for Ranked Ballot CHPV Elections
Two versions of this spreadsheet are available. The smaller one is optimised for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and caters for up to twelve candidates. The larger one is instead optimised for a widescreen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels and handles up to twenty candidates.
The first two pages of the smaller spreadsheet are shown below. Page 1 of either version is the election specification and voter input page. Here, all the election data and the various preference totals for each candidate are entered via the yellow cells. Page 2 is the election outcome page and shows the results in the green cells. For each candidate, their tally, rank order position and potential status as winner are declared. The tally shares for each candidate are also given in both tabular and bar chart formats. An example election is incorporated into these two pages.
The specification for the spreadsheet and clear instructions for its use are provided below the page illustrations.
To receive a free copy of both versions of the spreadsheet, just send an email (with 'Ranked Ballot CHPV Spreadsheet Request' in the subject box) to Peter Mendenhall at

- MS Excel document size: 24KB (smaller version) or 31KB (larger version).
- Optimised for a screen resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels (smaller version) or 1920 x 1080 pixels (larger version).
- Number of candidates (N): from 2 to 12 inclusive (smaller version) or from 2 to 20 inclusive (larger version).
- Number of winners (W): normally 1 (but N-1 maximum).
- Number of voters (V): 1,000,000 maximum.
- Contains an example election as an initial guide.
- Allows entry of the preference totals for each candidate.
- Incorporates automatic input data validity checks.
- Includes automatic tie breaking.
- Declares the winner(s) of the CHPV election.
- Declares the rank position of each candidate.
- Outputs the tally and tally share for each candidate.
- Displays a bar chart of the per-unit tally shares.
Instructions for Use
Some guidance notes are provided on the spreadsheet itself but a more detailed set of instructions is given below:
- If desired, save a separate copy of the spreadsheet with the example election still included.
- In a working copy, delete the example election data and ensure that all the yellow cells are blank.
- Ignore all check messages ("Valid" or "Error!") until data entry is complete.
- Enter valid numbers for the Number of Valid Votes Cast (V), the Number of Candidates (N) and the Number of Winners (W) into the appropriate three yellow cells.
- For the automatic tie breaking, ensure that one candidate is randomly selected as candidate A, another as B, a third as C and so on until all have been selected.
- For each candidate, enter the number of preferences awarded by the voters in total (according to the rank of each preference) into the appropriate row of yellow cells.
- For candidates and preferences that do not exist, leave the relevant cells blank.
- The number of all the truncated preferences for a candidate (those that have not been expressed) must be included in the end 'None' cell.
- Inspect all the row and column check cells for any "Error!" messages.
- Correct where necessary and ensure that all messages report "Valid" before proceeding further.
- Click to the right of the horizontal scroll bar to jump to the results page.
- The outcome of the election and a detailed breakdown of the results are automatically generated and displayed here.
- If desired, save or print the excel document as a permanent record of the election.
Free Spreadsheet for Ranked Ballot CHPV Elections
To receive a free copy of both versions of the spreadsheet, just send an email (with 'Ranked Ballot CHPV Spreadsheet Request' in the subject box) to Peter Mendenhall at
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